First off I want to say that this blog is not a blog just about marriage but it will also cover religious/philosophical ideas along with travel and any other thing that I feel deemed worthy enough to be blogged about. Although seeing that I have only been married for a little over a month now a lot of what I write will be oriented towards marriage and the adventure that it is, and seeing that this is my first real post that is what I am going to talk about.
Marriage is great for several reasons and it is difficult for reasons as well. It is great because now that I am married I have a woman to do things for me now, but “things” is a loose term. It is not that my wife does everything for me, I still do my own laundry and cook the majority of the meals with her help. When I say she does things for me I mean she hands me the remote when I cannot find it, or brings me a towel while I am in the shower. Sometimes if I ask nicely she will even grab beer out of the fridge for me but that is sparse and only happens on occasion. I guess what I am trying to convey is that having a wife like mine is nice because you do not have to mess with small things (finding your keys, putting clothes in the hamper and etc.). Marriage can at times be difficult as well especially the first months. There is a lot of acclimating to do like having no personal space, and having to share every darn thing in the apartment (the couch and bed). Overall the experience is pleasant and quite enjoyable and I have no real complaints about marriage. Sure it is difficult living with another person, but that is because I have no real experience living with someone besides to measly semesters in college when I had to share a dorm room, but those roommates never wanted to share a bed or a soft drink. So from my own perception and experience the whole “not having personal space thing” is hard. Sometimes I have to step back and understand what I have gotten myself into, it is never that I regret married but I didn’t know living with another person could be difficult. Although it’s that not we are both annoyed with one another or even on each other’s nerves, it is just that we are not used to living like the way we are. So yeah marriage is going to take some getting used to, but I think that in the end it will be worth it.
The majority of the cooking? Really? :)
ReplyDeleteLogan I want you to know I am going to follow your blog, even though it has no pictures and I have to read words :)